My 3rd Coop


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Today I got matched with my third co-op position! It's in Waterloo, which is nice and familiar. It's also bike-able distance, which should be fun and also good for my legs. I'm glad that I'll have the opportunity to try out computer vision. I'll have to learn more about Resnet and YOLO!

As for this blog, I expect to be able to write a little bit more now that I have one less thing to worry about. I've been doing some contributions to a class autograder, which has been kind of neat. I started poking around with using Rust to write an LLVM backed Scheme 5 compiler. I don't entirely understand the stages of a compiler, which probably means I need to do more reading before I write more code.

Unfortunately, I find myself really slow at writing code in general. I also spend a lot of time trying to clean up code when I should just be writing something that works and submitting it. This leads to school projects taking up far too much time for what is reasonable. While I write this, a project using tries is calling my name.

I honestly don't have anything terribly cool to say. I just figured I'd write a little update with some information as to what I've been up to lately. Expect a blog post on compilers pretty soon.